
Construction of a new gymnasium building with a large shelter and conditions for inclusive education completed in Odesa region

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The Avangard gymnasium in Odesa region opened its new building, built as part of President Zelensky's Big Construction project, which raises standards of inclusiveness and safety.

A newly built building of the Avangard gymnasium was opened in Odesa region, reports UNN.


It is located on the territory of the Avanhardivka village council in Odesa district. Its construction was started before the war, as part of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi's Big Construction project.

Thanks to joint efforts, despite all the challenges, it was completed in 9 months. It is quite important that the building meets all fire safety standards and inclusive education requirements

- the OBA reported.

Among other things, it has a special lift for people with limited mobility, which means that students with special needs will have equal access to quality education.

Given the sufficiently strong material and technical support of the catering unit, there are plans to open a hub kitchen, which will make it possible to provide hot, nutritious lunches to several educational institutions and fully implement the school catering reform initiated by First Lady Olena Zelenska.

This building also has a shelter for 513 students, which allows all students in grades 5-9 to study in a full-time format. In addition, the shelter is equipped with classrooms, which will allow the educational process to continue even during prolonged air raids.

The school has 696 students. Previously, secondary school students were forced to share the primary school building with junior high school students and study in the second shift.

After the construction of the new building, all children have a comfortable educational space and ample opportunities to receive a quality education. And next year, a lyceum is planned to be created on the basis of the gymnasium

- the DIA informs.

The newly built building was presented recently. The event was attended by Andriy Figel, Deputy Head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration.

Lilia Podolyak



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