
Consent to posthumous donation saved 6 lives per day

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Thanks to the consent of two families to posthumous donation, 6 patients received vital organs. A National Police helicopter was used for an urgent heart transplant for a 59-year-old man from Volyn. This was reported on Thursday by the Ministry of Health, UNN reports. 


According to the Ministry of Health,  Mr. Mykola from Volyn was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. The need for a heart transplant became so high that without it, his life was counted for a few days.  

When the heart was found, the problem arose of how to deliver it. The agency pointed out that the distance between Cherkasy and Kovel is more than 600 kilometers, and a donor heart "lives" for about 4 hours.  Then the doctors engaged a helicopter from the Aviation Support Center of the National Police of Ukraine. 

Thanks to the coordinated cooperation, the donor heart started working in Mr. Mykola's chest on the operating table. Now Mr. Mykola is breathing on his own and gaining strength.

On the same day, 5 more patients received life-saving transplants at two transplant centers. Three kidneys and a liver were transplanted at the Shalimov Institute. Another donor kidney was transplanted at the Cherkasy Oncology Center.

As assured by the Ministry of Health, the condition of all patients corresponds to the level of surgery.

The agency also thanked the families of the deceased donors for their decisions and trust in doctors. 

Аутотрансплантації стали буденністю: у Центрі хірургії та трансплантології ім. Шалімова розповіли про зміни в роботі, які внесла війна25.09.24, 16:00

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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