
Compulsory evacuation of two communities in Donetsk region: 72 children are to be evacuated

 • 21230 переглядiв

The forced evacuation of 72 children from 9 settlements of the Marinka and Ocheretyn territorial communities of Donetsk region has begun.

The fifth stage of the forced evacuation of families with minors has begun in Donetsk region. 72 children are to be taken from 9 settlements of the Marinka and Ocheretinsky territorial communities. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Main Department of the National Police in Donetsk region. 


It is planned to evacuate 72 children from 48 families by force.

People will be taken out by the White Angel group, police paramedics together with the State Emergency Service, patrol police, security police and representatives of military administrations.

The evacuation of children is subject to the consent of the parents/guardians/other legal representatives. At least one parent must accompany the child during the departure, or this right can be transferred to another relative or guardianship authorities

- police said. 

It is noted that children are taken out only in armored vehicles, in cooperation with the military and along agreed routes. Law enforcement officers have child helmets and bulletproof vests for young passengers.

During the fourth stage of the forced evacuation, 269 children were taken out of danger from 8 settlements of Ocheretyn, Marinka and Toretsk communities. It remains to evacuate 20 minors from the Toretsk community alone, the police said. 


On January 24, at a meeting of the Donetsk Regional Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies, a decision was made to forcibly evacuate children from a number of settlements in the Marinka and Ocheretyne communities.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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