
Clay therapy is increasingly used for the rehabilitation of the military. How this method of rehabilitation works

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As part of the MHP Poruch program, soldiers, veterans and families of fallen defenders undergo rehabilitation using clay therapy, which helps them release emotions, relieve stress and improve their mood.

Soldiers, veterans, and families of fallen defenders are increasingly recovering through pottery. For example, a psychosocial support space was opened in Baryshivka, Kyiv region. A psychologist and the head of the Pottery Rehabilitation Center attend clay therapy classes with the defenders and their families. They say that the process of modeling is one of the most effective methods of recovery, as it helps fighters get psychological relief through the release of emotions. 

"Pottery and modeling became a separate type of art therapy during the war. It distracts from everyday worries, relieves fatigue and improves mood, helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts. It promotes the release of creative energy, reduces anxiety," says Viktor Bulgakov, head of the Pottery Rehabilitation Center.

The initiative is being implemented as part of the MHP Poruch program to support military personnel, veterans and their families, with the support of the MHP for the Community Foundation and the Pottery Rehabilitation Center. 

"Clay therapy for the rehabilitation of our defenders is a projective technique. After all, the process of kneading clay allows you to think, comprehend, choose, make a decision, and calm down. With the help of such pottery classes, you can relieve stress, tension and anxiety. Therefore, the focus of the MHP Poruch reintegration and rehabilitation program for defenders is the development of veteran hubs and communities in communities that promote physical and mental recovery," says Natalia Obolenska , an expert in physiological, psychological and social rehabilitation. 

The military and veterans say that during such sessions they talk through some of their pains and experiences, and this improves their morale. 

Art therapy classes for defenders are held in communities as part of MHP Poruch, a program of individualized support and comprehensive assistance for military personnel, veterans and their families. It supports defenders and their families during service and after returning from the war and includes: humanitarian aid to military units, medical examination, treatment and rehabilitation, legal and psychological support, social reintegration, and professional adaptation. 

Lilia Podolyak



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