
By refusing to arrest Putin, Mongolia deliberately jeopardized its international subjectivity - Prosecutor General

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Ukraine's Prosecutor General condemned Mongolia's decision not to arrest Putin. He emphasized that this undermines international law and jeopardizes the country's international subjectivity.

Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin condemned Mongolia's decision not to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin, emphasizing that it undermines the very essence of the global legal system and jeopardizes the country's international subjectivity, according to a statement issued by the Prosecutor General's Office, UNN reports.

Today, Putin humiliated Mongolia by cynically using it as a bargaining chip in his geopolitical game. I would like to remind the authorities of this country that the ability to comply with its obligations under international law is one of the main criteria for a state to belong to the civilized world. A world that values human life and freedom. Providing security guarantees to a criminal undermines the very essence of the global legal system and seriously violates the values of democratic countries. By refusing to arrest Putin, Mongolia has deliberately jeopardized its international subjectivity

- Kostin said in a statement.

The Prosecutor General emphasized that Ukraine knows the price of independence well. "The norms of international law were created precisely to ensure that peoples around the world do not pay for their freedom with blood, as Ukrainians are paying for it now," he said.

"We will continue to actively cooperate with international partners to ensure punishment for war criminals and restore justice for all those who suffered from Russian aggression," the Prosecutor General said.

Монголія не арештувала путіна за ордером МКС. У МЗС заявили про удар по системі міжнародного кримінального права02.09.24, 21:17

Julia Shramko



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