
Budanov: Russia had no real military successes in 2023

 • 23875 переглядiв

The head of Ukraine's intelligence service, Budanov, claims that Russia had no real military successes in 2023, launching missile strikes as an attempt to fabricate a "victorious" narrative.

Russia wanted to declare 2023 a "victorious" year, but the Russians had no real military success. This was stated by the head of the GUR Kirill Budanov in an interview with Le Monde, UNN reports .

This may surprise you, but the reason for the shelling is very banal. The Russian Ministry of Defense was summarizing the results of 2023: they wanted to show something quickly to declare the year a victorious one and move on to the next. However, they had no real military successes,

- Budanov said.


Budanov, commenting on the strikes on Ukraine on December 29 and January 2, noted that given the huge stockpiles of missiles that Russia had accumulated on its side, the option was obvious. It was the Ukrainian military infrastructure that was targeted by the high-precision missiles, but they have many drawbacks.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia will be preparing a counteroffensive to win at least some "small victories" before the election of dictator Putin

росія почала виготовляти більше боєприпасів, але низької якості - Буданов12.01.24, 10:46

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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