
Booking for 20 thousand hryvnias or "economic mobilization": how the Rada offers businesses to deal with the shortage of employees

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The Economic Development Committee has proposed an economic booking model that provides for a monthly payment of UAH 20,000 for each strategically important employee. Another option for business is "economic mobilization". Entrepreneurs will work for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in those areas where they have more competence than the military themselves.

The committee on economic development has prepared a variant of economic booking from mobilization - the project provides for a monthly fee of  20 thousand hryvnias for each booked employee. This is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the parliament.


It is expected that such a booking model will allow the employer to independently identify employees who are strategically important for maintaining the life of the business, pay 20 000 UAH per month of military duty for each of them, and continue to work and pay taxes necessary to ensure the defense and security forces.

The Parliament notes that it is business that helps retain the defenders of Ukraine, so only "business is the main source of taxes and economic development in Ukraine.

Мінстратегпром: розширено критерії бронювання працівників ОПК20.05.24, 16:04

Ukrainian businesses still need a reservation, because it should work

- the chairman of the committee Dmitry Natalukha is sure. 

According to him, strategic should be not so much the industries that are determined by officials, but specific employees that are determined by the employer. Natalukha stressed that businesses should  be able to independently decide who ps employees are strategic.

The committee notes that economic booking is a new mechanism for effective interaction between business and the state. And about preserving the economy.


At the same time, there is another option - economic mobilization. In the Rada, it is expected that this approach will save funds from the state budget and direct them to the needs of the Defense Forces. 

Along with economic booking, a partial alternative can be economic mobilization

 – says Igor Marchuk, chairman of the subcommittee on interaction between the state and business and investment.

The Council explained that economic mobilization- is when through the mechanism of Labor military service, a business with the involvement of its resources provides the necessary services and performs work in those areas in which the business has greater competence and efficiency than the military.

У ВР розглядають дві моделі економічного бронювання – Арахамія 08.05.24, 21:10

For example, such areas as: procurement, logistics, procurement management, medical care, equipment repair, it sphere, construction of fortifications, Consumer Services, Office Management, HR, etc. The military released as a result can perform other, more important and specific tasks.

The Parliament stressed that the only source of funds available to Ukraine to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a working economy.

If there is no economy – we will be left without taxes and the resources necessary to finance the army

- emphasize in the committee on economic development.


The government has made changes to the procedure that will allow booking employees at enterprisesinvolved in the restoration of critical infrastructure damaged as a result of Russian aggression.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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