
Blockade on the border with Poland: about 1700 trucks are waiting in lines

 • 60232 переглядiв

About 1700 trucks are waiting in lines to enter Ukraine after Polish farmers unblocked two checkpoints on the border with Ukraine.

Polish farmers unblocked two checkpoints on the border with Ukraine: "Shehyni-Medica and Krakowiec-Korczowa. The queue at these destinations totals about 1,700 trucks waiting to cross into Ukraine. This was reported by Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, during the telethon, UNN reports .

Fortunately, when these directions were unblocked, we began to notice the intensity of traffic again, both leaving Poland and going to Poland,

- Demchenko said.


He also reminded that these directions were previously unblocked, but over the past two days, Polish farmers have resumed their blocking of these directions and have been making it difficult for trucks to travel in these directions for two days.

The queue at these destinations totals about 1,700 trucks waiting to cross into Ukraine,

- Demchenko said, commenting on the situation opposite the Shehyni and Krakivets checkpoints.


Polish protesters are planning to ease the border blockade at the Rava-Ruska-Grebenne checkpoint by allowing trucks, except for those carrying agricultural products from Ukraine, to enter Poland from 8:00 am on April 21.


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