
Arakhamia suggested that the president disclose data on military losses in order to increase the rate of mobilization

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The head of the Servant of the People faction suggested that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy make public the real military losses to speed up mobilization, as the actual losses are lower than public estimates: they are much less than 100,000 people.

Disclosure of casualty data can help during mobilization, as real losses are less than people imagine. According to "Left Bank", the head of the "Servant of the People" faction, David Arakhamia, said this during a panel discussion "2024: Scenarios for the Country", UNN reports.


Arakhamia said he had proposed to the president to declassify data on Ukraine's losses in the war. However, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not yet made a decision on this.

When you go on the streets and ask people about the losses, I have never heard less than 100,000. And our losses are much less

- David Arakhamia said.

Arakhamia believes that realizing Ukraine's true losses in the war will show that the losses "are not as great as people imagine." 

Зеленський не бачить поки що потреби в мобілізації півмільйона людей21.01.24, 14:15

The issue of casualties was discussed in the context of mobilization scenarios, which he called the biggest challenge facing the country. Arakhamia said that the new mobilization model will be implemented within four months. He considers the so-called smart mobilization appropriate, which will help to take into account the education and skills of the mobilized person that he or she has acquired in civilian life. 

He also said that it is planned to introduce certificates of military service, which will oblige people of mobilization age (27-60 years old) to have them.

Буданов розповів, чи зможе Україна уникнути мобілізації21.01.24, 17:31

Anastasia Ryabokon



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