
Apple Postpones sales of smartphones with AI features in the EU due to legal restrictions

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Apple is delaying sales of AI-enabled smartphones in the EU due to problems with digital market legislation.

Apple is delaying sales of smartphones with artificial intelligence features in the EU. This is reported by Apple, reports UNN.


Tech giant Apple has announced the postponement of sales of its smartphones with integrated artificial intelligence features in EU countries due to digital market legislation (DMA). This decision was made after the announcement of Apple Intelligence in June, which provides for the integration of OpenAI's chatgpt artificial intelligence into Apple phones by the end of the year.

EU law imposes obligations on companies that have a dominant position in the market, so that their position does not become disproportionately higher. Apple has announced its intention to work with the European Commission to find a solution that will allow implementing new features without risking the security of user data.

Earlier this year, Apple pledged to comply with DMA requirements. The Commission is expected to announce in the near future whether the changes made by Apple meet the requirements of the law. However, Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager has already noted that Apple's measures may not be sufficient.

Apple стане першою техкомпанією, якій висунуть звинувачення за цифровим законодавством ЄС15.06.24, 00:55

Julia Kotvitskaya



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