
An outbreak of intestinal infection in Khmelnytsky region: 12 people who tasted Caesar's became ill

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12 people who ate Caesar salad at a local catering establishment in Khmelnytsky Oblast fell ill with an intestinal infection.

An outbreak of an intestinal infection among adults has occurred in the Khmelnytsky region. 12 people fell ill after visiting one of the local catering establishments and tasting Caesar salad there. This was reported by the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health , UNN reports.

As of today, 10 patients have been hospitalized in medical institutions, they are in moderate condition. Two people refused hospitalization and are undergoing outpatient treatment. All the victims attribute their illness to eating Caesar salad, and laboratory tests are ongoing.

- reported the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health.


It is noted that all patients had fever, nausea, repeated vomiting and diarrhea.

Experts from the Khmelnytsky Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention have launched an epidemiological investigation into the outbreak. In particular, they have already conducted a bacteriological examination, taken samples of food, water and flushings.

Medical monitoring of contact persons in the homes of all victims was also organized.

Очільник МОЗ розповів про підготовку України до можливих пандемій інфекційних хвороб, в тому числі і хвороби Х24.01.24, 16:55


The Ministry of Health reminded that acute intestinal infections are a contact disease that is transmitted through the consumption of contaminated food and water, bathing in contaminated water, and through dirty hands and household items.

Doctors also noted that following simple rules will help to avoid acute intestinal infections:

-        Observe hand hygiene;

-        Wash the food under running water;

-        heat the food;

-        Do not buy salted or dried fish from spontaneous markets;

-        Do not buy prepared foods from places that do not store food properly;

-        Store raw foods and cooked foods separately in the refrigerator;

-        Dry the dishes after washing them;

-        boil the water if you have any doubts about its quality.


In early February, guests of a Kyiv hotel reported that they had contracted an acute intestinal infection. According to the Kyiv City Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health, at least six people were hospitalized.

Tatiana Salganik



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