
Alliance appoints new Head of NATO Representation in Ukraine

 • 34177 переглядiв

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has appointed Patrick Turner as the Alliance's senior representative to lead the mission to Ukraine, coordinating NATO's efforts and providing an assessment of the situation in Ukraine until it becomes a NATO member.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has appointed a senior representative to lead the Alliance's mission to Ukraine. It was Patrick Turner. This was reported by UNN with reference to the press release of the Alliance.


Turner will take up his position in September this year. Previously, he served at various times as Stoltenberg's assistant for operations, defense policy and planning. Prior to that, Turner also held a number of senior government positions in the United Kingdom, including Minister for Defense at the British Embassy.

I am truly honored to be appointed as NATO's Senior Representative to Ukraine. I look forward to leading the NATO Representation and working very closely with the Ukrainian authorities, as well as with NATO Allies and partners, to help deliver NATO's support to Ukraine

- Turner said. 

As NATO's senior representative in Ukraine, Turner will serve as the coordinator of the Alliance's interaction with the Ukrainian authorities.

He will also coordinate NATO's efforts and provide the Alliance with assessments and advice on the situation in Ukraine.


Michael Carpenter, Senior Director for European Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council, explained that NATO's civilian representative in Kyiv will be engaged in managing the defense institutions process until Ukraine becomes a NATO member.


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