
Administrator of a pizza delivery establishment in Odesa suspected of embezzling money from the cash register: he changed information about orders

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A 26-year-old administrator of an Odesa restaurant serving rolls and pizza was reducing the cost of food delivered by embezzling money. He made 25 transactions in a month, embezzling UAH 14 thousand. He faces imprisonment for this. UNN reports with reference to the police of Odesa region.


Law enforcement officers reported that they had been approached by an entrepreneur who had discovered a shortage of money after taking an inventory at her establishment specializing in making rolls and pizza and delivering them to customers. The woman noted that the amount paid for food by customers did not match the income.

The police found out that a 26-year-old administrator who had recently started working at the institution was involved in the disappearance of the money.

With access to an electronic system for placing and calculating orders, the young man accepted orders from customers, informed the cooks about the preparation of food, and then handed the order to the courier. After delivering the sushi and pizza sets to customers, the courier gave the money he received for them to the administrator. But he took some of the money from the cash register and deleted some orders from the electronic system or reduced their value

- the statement said.

The police found out that during the month the offender made 25 unauthorized changes to the information in the automated system. Taking from UAH 150 to UAH 1,000 from each order, he embezzled almost UAH 14 thousand in total.

The defendant was served a notice of suspicion of unauthorized alteration of information processed in automated systems, committed by a person who has access to it, in particular repeatedly, as well as misappropriation of another's property entrusted to a person, committed under martial law, in particular repeatedly (Art. 362, parts 1 and 3, and Art. 191, part 4 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The maximum penalty under these articles is up to 8 years in prison with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

Currently, by court order, the suspect is under nightly house arrest.


A 28-year-old resident of Dnistrovskyi district sold counterfeit sports shoes of well-known brands via the Internet. He caused more than UAH 26 million in damage to the trademark owners and received UAH 15.5 million in illegal income.

Обікрав квартиру та намагався вивезти вкрадене на чужому авто: рівнянина засудили до 6 років в’язниці05.10.24, 01:24

Anastasia Ryabokon

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