
A veteran was beaten up in Kyiv. The police opened proceedings

 • 29273 переглядiв

The Kiev police announced the opening of criminal proceedings on the fact of beating a man in the Darnytskyi District of Kyiv. In social networks, they note that we are talking about a veteran of military operations, to whom three men approached while walking the dog and began to "show" for his hairstyle, after which one of the guys hit the man in the face.

The Kiev police announced the opening of criminal proceedings on the fact of beating a man in the Darnytskyi District of Kyiv. In social networks, they note that we are talking about a veteran of military operations, to whom three men approached while walking the dog and began to "show" for his hairstyle, after which one of the guys hit the man in the face, writes UNN.


"Yesterday, June 21, at about 23:40, the Kiev police received a message from a local resident that an unknown person beat him on the street in the Darnytskyi district," the Kiev police said. - law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings on the fact of beating a man in the Darnytskyi District of the capital. All participants in the incident have been identified, and priority investigative actions are continuing with them.

Law enforcement officers found that due to a sudden conflict, a fight took place between a man and a 17-year-old boy. Two adult friends of the latter were nearby at that moment and witnessed the collision. Police officers took all the participants of the incident to the Darnytskyi Police Department to clarify all the circumstances.

"Information about this event is included in the Unified Register of pre - trial investigations under Part 2 of Article 125 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine-intentional light bodily injury. The police provided the victim with a referral for a forensic medical examination to determine the severity of the injuries received," the law enforcement officers added.

A user on the social network Instagram also told about the beating of her husband, claiming that it was about her brother, and saying that a veteran of military operations was severely beaten in Kiev.

"The incident occurred on 22.06.2024, the time is +- 00:30. Alexander was walking his dog and returning home, three people approached him and the youngest of them began to show for his hairstyle. A few moments later, Alexander received a blow, was disoriented and could not resist. One man was beating, the other two were standing, and insurance in case this one couldn't handle it. Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene. Everyone was taken to the basket, taken to the testimony... and released," the girl writes.

Напад на військового у Дніпрі: поліція відкрила кримінальні провадження21.06.24, 07:47

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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