
A resolution to recall Bezuhla from the post of deputy head of the National Security Committee was submitted to the Rada

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The Verkhovna Rada registers a resolution to dismiss MP Mariana Bezuhla from the post of Deputy Head of the Committee on National Security of Ukraine.

The Verkhovna Rada has registered a draft resolution to recall MP Mariana Bezuhla from the post of deputy head of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, according to the parliament's website, UNN reports.


The relevant draft resolution was registered under No. 10391 of January 6, 2024.

Among the initiators is a group of MPs led by the head of the committee Zavitnevych.

According to the resolution, it is planned to recall Maryana Bezugla from the position of deputy head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence due to circumstances that make it impossible for her to fulfill her duties.

Комітет Ради з питань нацбезпеки рекомендував відсторонити нардепку Безуглу від посади заступниці голови05.01.24, 14:23

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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