
A prisoner of the Zhytomyr Correctional Institution was exposed for swindling money from relatives of Ukrainian military

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The Security Service of Ukraine exposed a prisoner of the Zhytomyr Correctional Colony who extorted money from relatives of captured or missing Ukrainian servicemen at the front, promising to assist in their search and return home.

The Security Service of Ukraine exposed a prisoner of the Zhytomyr Correctional Institution who was extorting money from relatives of Ukrainian soldiers who are in captivity or missing at the front. This was reported by the SBU press service, UNN reports.


According to the investigation, the illegal activity was organized by a prisoner of one of the correctional institutions in Zhytomyr.

The offender used the Internet to find people who were looking for their loved ones - Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers who had been captured or disappeared during the fighting on the front line. The offender would then call the families of the Ukrainian defenders and promise to find them and bring them home in exchange for money.

During such conversations, the prisoner introduced himself as a member of a "search group" and boasted of his "necessary" connections. The cost of the fraudster's "services" ranged from UAH 5 to 55 thousand. The amount depended on the victim's ability to pay.

It was established that the money was transferred to the bank cards of his cellmates and accomplices "on the outside". Among them were his mother and civilian wife. SBU officers documented the fact that the offender extorted more than UAH 50 thousand from the relatives of a Ukrainian soldier who is considered missing,

- the statement said.

During the searches in the cell of the fraudster and at the place of residence of his accomplices, several cell phones, bank cards and other material evidence of criminal activity were found.

Currently, the organizer of the scheme was served a notice of suspicion under Part 4 Art. 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (fraud). The investigation is ongoing to bring other accomplices to justice.


In Sumy region , a fraudster was detained who demanded a bribe of UAH 100,000 from the wife of a prisoner of war, promising to influence the priority inclusion of her husband in the list for the exchange of prisoners.


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