Russian Telegram channels have launched a fake news story that Ukrainian air defense missiles "hit residential buildings in the capital." The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council denies this information, emphasizing that the destruction is the result of Russian missile fire, UNN reports.
According to the report, pro-Kremlin Telegram channels are spreading information that during the morning shelling of Ukrainian territory, including Kyiv, Ukrainian air defense missiles "hit residential buildings in the capital.
"In fact, the destruction in the Kyiv region is the result of Russian missile attacks, which propagandists prefer to keep silent about. Accusing Ukraine of shelling residential buildings is a favorite technique of Russian propagandists when their low-quality and inaccurate missiles (or fragments) destroy residential buildings or kill civilians," the Center for Countering Disinformation notes.
In Kharkiv, the body of a 21-year-old woman was unblocked from the rubble of a building damaged by the Russian attack. Thus, the number of victims of the attack on Kharkiv by Russian troops has increased to six.
In Kharkiv , 62 victims were reported, including eight children.
In Kyiv, as a result of the morning enemy attack, there are damages in four districts, one person is reported dead and four wounded.