
Zelensky: "All points are dotted in the ATACMS agreement for Ukraine" - Zelensky

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Zelenskyy announces that all agreements on Ukraine's receipt of long-range ATACMS missiles from the United States have been finalized.

The issue of supplying long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine has already been agreed upon. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his evening video address to Ukrainians, UNN reports.

Today's result is that all the dots have been crossed in the agreements on "atakams" for Ukraine. Thank you, Mr. President! Thank you, Congress! Thank you, America!

- Zelensky thanked.


The Ukrainian head of state also added that negotiations with the American side are still ongoing, but four priorities have already been outlined. According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine's key needs are: protection of the sky, modern artillery, long-range capability, and for American support packages to arrive as soon as possible.


Earlier, UNN wrote that the United States may start sending long-range ATACMS missiles and other military equipment to Ukraine by the end of next week, said Mark Warner, chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee.


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