
X-Files: Tymoshenko's MP denied access to his declarations for no apparent good reason

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Secret Files: Tymoshenko's MP has closed access to his declarations for no apparent good reason.

All declarations of Hennadiy Mazur, a deputy of the Vinnytsia regional council from the Batkivshchyna party, have been removed from public access on the website of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. However, the existence of grounds for this and the legality of closing the declarations raise certain doubts, UNN writes.

Under current law, there is a clear list of persons whose declarations must be kept confidential.

In particular, such subjects of declaration include almost all categories of military personnel, as well as the wounded, those undergoing treatment, persons in the personnel reserve of intelligence agencies or holding positions related to state secrets, participating in international operations, in the area of active hostilities or in the occupied territories, prisoners of war and internees. The last in this list are family members of persons in these categories.

Officially, Hennadii Mazur is an employee of the Department of Management and Administration of the Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education. He is obliged to file the declaration as a deputy of the Vinnytsia Regional Council.

Despite the fact that Mazur, 50, is liable for military service in wartime, he has not served in the Armed Forces since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Vinnytsia region is not occupied, and there are no hostilities on its territory.

His son Vladyslav Mazur, who before the war worked in the Investigation Department of the Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Vinnytsia Oblast, is a soldier.

But the declaration of the MP's son can be found on the NACP website. This means that he is one of those categories of military personnel whose declarations are not withdrawn from public access.  

Vladyslav Mazur's place of service is listed as military unit A1619 and the Vinnytsia Regional Military Commissariat. Apparently, in the military unit, Mazur Jr. was responsible for procurement, and then moved to the TCC.

Сумнівний професор у сумнівному ВНЗ: як один депутат будує свою наукову кар’єру11.04.24, 11:47

Given that Hennadii Mazur is a member of the Vinnytsia Regional Council, the motion to close his declarations was made by the chairman of this council, Viacheslav Sokolovyi. But so far, there are no grounds on which Sokolovyi had the right to make a motion to remove Mazur's declarations from the register.

Of course, one can fantasize that Mazur is some kind of super-secret agent who has access to state secrets and is carrying out some important intelligence missions. But there is a nuance.

If Mazur really falls into some category of persons whose declarations should be closed, it is logical that access to the declarations of Hennadiy Mazur's wife, a member of the Trostianets village council, should have been blocked.

But Mazur's declarations, like her son's, are publicly available. And the funny thing is that Taisiia Ivanivna's declaration lists almost all of her husband's assets.

Therefore, it is completely unclear why the declaration should be removed from the public domain if almost all the data is still available on the NACP website, only on a different page: a technical error, a desire to add weight to his person by breaking the law, or maybe Gennadiy Mazur really has something to hide?

Орденоносець "руського міра": як один депутат хизується нагородами від церкви московського патріархату16.04.24, 12:20


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