
Weather in Ukraine on December 2: Cloudy, no precipitation, the temperature will range from 0 to +6°C

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Today in Ukraine, Mostly cloudy weather is expected with periodic clearings. No precipitation is expected, and temperatures will vary from -1°C to +6°C in different regions of the country. This is reported by Ukrhydrometcenter, reports UNN.


- Kiev: temperature 0..+2°C, cloudy, no rain.

- Lviv: from +4 to +6°C, cloudy with clearings.

- Dnipro: -1 to +1°C, cloudy, no significant precipitation.

- Odessa: temperature from +2 to +4°C, cloudy, no rain.

- Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk: -1 to +1°C, cloudy, no precipitation.

- Simferopol: temperature from +4 to + 6°C, cloudy, no rain.

In general, cloudy weather will continue throughout the country, but no significant precipitation is expected. During the day, the temperature will fluctuate within 0..+2°C.

Погода в Україні: де сьогодні очікувати мокрого снігу та різких температурних змін26.11.24, 08:01


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