
We are working on the details of new decisions: Zelensky holds long meeting on NATO summit in Washington

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a lengthy meeting today on the NATO summit in Washington, UNN reports.

"Today I also held a long meeting on the NATO summit in Washington, which will take place next week. The summit should be strong - strong for Ukraine and all our partners," Zelenskyy said.

Єрмак зустрівся з держсекретарем США: обговорили військову підтримку України і саміт НАТО02.07.24, 21:37

According to him, a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council will also take place.

"We are working on the details of new decisions and new documents to be signed with our partners. There must be good things, including on air defense," Zelensky summarized.

Зеленський розповів, чи обговорюється вступ України до НАТО за "німецькою моделлю"04.07.24, 13:28


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