
Using cars as a battering ram: criminals robbed a van carrying jewelry in France

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Near Lyon, armed robbers attacked a van carrying jewelry. They used their cars as battering rams to stop the protected van.

On April 30, an armed robbery took place in the French city of Rilles-la-Pape, near Lyon. Several robbers are in hiding and are actively wanted. UNN reports with reference to the local media outlet Actu Lyon.


It is noted that the target of the armed gang's attack was a so-called "protected" van. According to a police source, the gang of robbers used their cars as two battering rams to stop the van and seize the cargo.

The van and two cars of the attackers caught fire at the entrance to the territory where the targeted company is located. The robbers fled the scene in a third car, which was later set on fire.

According to preliminary reports, no one was injured during the robbery and fire. The authorities did not specify the exact amount of money the attackers took. It is believed that the van was transporting jewelry. The business park where the crime occurred is home to a jewelry workshop.

The Lyon prosecutor's office has not yet commented on the circumstances of the incident.

A large number of police patrols are searching the area, hoping to find the attackers. But there have been no arrests so far.

У центрі Парижа зухвало пограбували бутик на півмільярда євро11.12.23, 07:55

Anastasia Ryabokon

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