
UN: At least 592 civilians injured in Ukraine by Russian attacks in December - UN

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In December 2023, Russian attacks resulted in at least 592 civilian casualties in Ukraine.

In December 2023, at least 592 civilians were killed or injured in Ukraine as a result of the war, according to a report by the UN Monitoring Mission, UNN reports.


The UN Monitoring Mission notes that in December, civilian casualties increased by 26.5% compared to the previous month.

In addition, some reports of civilian casualties have yet to be verified. Therefore, the UN assumes that the number of victims will be higher.

It is also noted that the increase in the number of civilian casualties in December breaks the trend of a decrease in the number of civilian casualties in 2023.

The increase in civilian casualties in December was mainly due to the intensification of rocket attacks... launched by the Russian armed forces on the territory of Ukraine on December 29 and 30

- The report of the UN Monitoring Mission states.

 Rocket attacks accounted for 34% of civilian casualties in December, up from 16% in November.

ООН просить донорів виділити 4,2 млрд доларів на гуманітарну допомогу українцям15.01.24, 11:44

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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