
Ukrenergo: time of blackout schedules extended in all regions of Ukraine

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The blackout schedules have been extended in all regions of Ukraine from 20:00 to midnight, with critical infrastructure remaining unaffected.

The time for applying blackout schedules has been extended in all regions of Ukraine - from 20:00 to midnight, Ukrenergo reported on Saturday, UNN reports.


"Today, on May 25, the period of consumption restrictions for household and industrial consumers has been extended in all regions of Ukraine. From now on, hourly outage schedules can be applied from 20:00 to 24:00," Ukrenergo said.

As indicated, the power supply to critical infrastructure facilities that perform the function of life support for the population is not limited.

Час графіків відключень світла сьогодні розширили - ДТЕК25.05.24, 11:46

Julia Shramko



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