
Ukrainians have not to worry, European support continues and will continue - Borrell

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EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell assures that European support for Ukraine is ongoing and will continue. Borrell confirmed this before the meeting of EU foreign ministers, where Ukraine is the first item on the agenda.

Ukrainians should not worry, European support continues and will continue, said EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell before the EU Council meeting at the level of foreign ministers of the bloc with the participation of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, UNN reports.


"Ukraine is also on the agenda, the first item in the agenda," Borrell said.

He added that "the fact that we are engaged in looking for a solution in the Middle East does not mean that we are not continuing supporting Ukraine."

The first one intervening [today] will be the Foreign Affairs Minister of Ukraine [Dmytro Kuleba], and we will discuss with the ministers our continuous support to Ukraine. And [at] the Gymnich meeting, [later on, there] will be a specific meeting with the Defence Ministers to discuss about it [and] boost our support. Do not worry, Ukrainians have not to worry, European support continues as strong as ever, and it will continue,

Borrell emphasized.

До річниці повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну: ЄС хоче запровадити новий пакет санкцій проти рф19.01.24, 15:32

Julia Shramko



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