
Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, not courage, we need to step up to make our support sustainable - Stoltenberg

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized the need to intensify efforts to ensure sustainable support for Ukraine, as Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, but not courage, and Ukraine can count on NATO's support in the long term.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine can count on the Alliance's support in the long term, and also emphasized the need to step up to ensure that support for Ukraine is long-term. Stoltenberg said this during a press conference, UNN reports.


We have just concluded a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, the first ever since Sweden became a full member of the Alliance. Together, we reviewed preparations for the Washington Summit in July. Starting with Ukraine. This is a critical moment. The people of Ukraine continue to defend their country with skill and courage. Time and again, Ukrainians have shown that they are capable of

- Stoltenberg said.

He noted that Ukraine had regained half of the territory initially seized by Russia, and that it had managed to push back the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, allowing it to continue exporting grain to world markets.

Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, not courage. We need to step up now to make sure that our support is sustainable. So during our meeting today, we discussed how to put our support on a stronger and more sustainable footing for the future. All Allies agree on the need to support Ukraine at this critical time. There is unity of purpose

- Stoltenberg added.

According to him, Allies agreed to move forward with plans to strengthen NATO's role in coordinating security assistance and training.

Details will take shape over the coming weeks. Ukraine can count on NATO's support now, and for the long term. Tomorrow we will meet with Minister Kuleba at the NATO-Ukraine Council. Together we will discuss Ukraine's immediate and long-term needs

- added the Secretary General.


On April 3-4, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba will visit the North Atlantic Alliance headquarters in Brussels and participate in a ministerial meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council.


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