
Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminate enemy lieutenant colonel during attack on airfield in Saki

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Ukrainian forces strike a russian command post in Saki, Crimea, killing a russian lieutenant colonel.

The deputy commander of the russian 43rd aviation regiment, lieutenant colonel alexander chornobryvyi, was killed as a result of the attack on the russian command center in Saki in Crimea. This was reported by the officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Anatoliy Shtefan (Stirlitz), reports UNN.

Successfully demobilized: deputy commander of the 43rd separate naval assault aviation regiment lieutenant colonel aleksandr chornobryvyi. Fireworks at the Saki airfield on the night of 5-6.01.2024

- the statement said.


On January 6, it became known that Ukrainian pilots had hit a russian command post in Saki in the temporarily occupied Crimea, which was confirmed by Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk.

На Таврійському напрямку ЗСУ знищили рідкісну російську САУ "Хоста" - Тарнавський14.01.24, 11:41

Anna Onishchenko



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