
"Ukrainian anti-corruption services do not investigate crimes, but rob businesses" - expert

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Volodymyr Tsybulko commented on the scandal with the leak of information from the SAP and the NABU on his Facebook page.

Volodymyr Tsybulko commented on the scandal with the leak of information from the SAP and the NABU on his Facebook page. 

"In Ukraine, a situation has arisen when powerful levers of pressure on business are concentrated in the hands of the SAP and the NABU. In conditions of war, the country's economy is bursting at the seams and it is impossible not to notice the negative consequences of the activities of anti-corruption bodies. Ukrainian anti-corruption services do not investigate crimes, but rob businesses", - he said indignantly.

The political scientist believes that after the departure of Artem Sytnyk the SAP and the NABU slowly but surely entered the orbit of influence of the President’s Office with all the ensuing consequences.

"This is not how Ukrainians imagined the work of anti-corruption bodies created in 2015 at the request of the United States, the European Union and the IMF. A monstrous substitution of concepts took place, which resulted in the use of the SAP and the NABU in internal political and business disputes. Behind the facade of high-profile arrests, widely covered by the media, there is, in fact, an established scheme, suggesting a guaranteed opportunity to collapse the case or freeze it for years (which is basically the same thing)", - wrote the expert.

Volodymyr Tsybulko called the activities of anti-corruption bodies dubious and manipulative.

"Ukrainian businessmen are caught on a hook, off which it is impossible to jump. And if a businessperson decides to leave Ukraine or transfer business abroad, the valiant Ukrainian anti-corruption officials will get him/her there too. How? It is enough to declare that a new evidence has appeared in a case opened 3, 5, 7 or even 10 years ago, and flood the relevant European authorities with endless requests. Formally, this looks like a fruitful work of Ukrainian anti-corruption fighters. In fact, it’s a "take over" of the business", - he summed up.

The political expert also spoke about dissatisfaction on the part of Western partners.

"Europeans begin realizing that their Ukrainian colleagues are simply using them. Ukrainian anti-corruption officials are using the European judicial system as an accomplice by flooding the European court with requests for investigative actions and extraditions. In the field of European legislation, not a single case of a Ukrainian businessman based on such a schematosis would even reach the court", –Volodymyr Tsybulko summarized.

At the end, the political scientist added that the vertical of the SAP and the NABU was crumbling before our eyes.

"It is not surprising that Western partners, who once initiated the creation of the SAP and the NABU, no longer believe in the possibility of adequate functioning of anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine. They realize what kind of blatant robbery of Ukrainian business takes place. After almost 10 years of existence of anti-corruption structures, the result of their work is not only depressing, but requires international intervention", - concluded Tsybulko.

Lilia Podolyak



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