
Two Russian missile carriers of up to 16 Kalibr missiles remain in the Black Sea - Defense Forces of the South

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Two Russian missile carriers with up to 16 Kalibr missiles remain in the Black Sea, while one ship is on combat duty in the Sea of Azov, the Defense Forces of the South report.

Two Russian missile carriers armed with up to 16 Kalibr missiles remain in the Black Sea, the Southern Ukrainian Defense Forces said on Monday, UNN reported.


"In the Black Sea, there are 10 enemy small arms ships, including 2 missile carriers equipped with 16 Kalibr missiles. In the Sea of Azov, 1 enemy ship is on combat duty," the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine reported on Telegram.

Counter-battery fighting reportedly continues in the area of responsibility of the Defense Forces of the South.

"At the same time, the enemy does not abandon its intention to drive our units from their positions on the left bank of the Dnipro. He made 6 unsuccessful assaults and retreated to his previous positions after suffering losses. Our soldiers continue efforts to expand the bridgehead," the Defense Forces of the South said.

It is also stated that the occupiers do not stop aerial reconnaissance, put pressure with artillery shelling, use a large number of attack drones of various types and again after a long pause resorted to air bombardment.

Сили оборони продовжують роботу з розширення плацдарму на Херсонщині – Гуменюк16.01.24, 10:12

Julia Shramko



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