
"The State Logistics Operator has developed an IT solution for food supply applications: how it will work

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A state-owned logistics operator has developed an IT solution to automate the process of applying for food supplies from military units and consolidate data at the Ministry of Defense.

"The State Logistics Operator (DOT) has developed an IT solution for submitting applications for food supplies to military units, UNN reports citing the Defense Ministry.

According to the report, the main purpose of the innovation is to automate processes and consolidate data within the Ministry of Defense.

The state-owned enterprise said that one of the differences between the new approach to supplying the Armed Forces with food is the division of roles within the supply system. Previously, military units communicated directly with suppliers about orders, but now this function will be taken over by the State Defense Department.

How the interaction process will be built:

1. Requests are generated by military units a month in advance and finalized a week before delivery.

2. Applications are sent to the DOT through an automated IT system.

3. The DOT aggregates applications, determines the lists and volumes to be supplied by region.

4. The DOT distributes applications among suppliers.

"This approach will allow accumulating objective data on order volumes by military units, increase transparency and accountability of the process, and minimize potential corruption risks," the agency summarized.

Перші закупівлі за новою моделлю:"‎Держоператор тилу"‎ оголосив тендери на харчування05.02.24, 17:24

Antonina Tumanova



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