
The parliamentary committee proposes fines from 17 to 25.5 thousand hryvnias for violation of the rules of military service registration

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The parliamentary committee proposes a fine of 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnias for violating the rules of military registration or not updating personal data under martial law.

It is proposed to establish liability for violation of the rules of accounting or failure to update personal information in the TCC under martial law in the amount of 17 to 25.5 thousand hryvnias. MP Oleksandr Bakumov, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement, said this during a telethon, according to a UNN correspondent.


He said that the committee had worked on a table of amendments for the second reading in the Rada. According to him, the committee liberalized the draft law compared to the government's proposals, suggesting a reduction in the amount of fines for citizens for violating mobilization legislation.

In particular, the committee excluded criminal liability for failure to pass the military medical commission. The committee also did not support the fines proposed by the government in the amount of UAH 153 to 204 thousand. We propose to set the liability for failure to register or update personal information in the CCU under martial law in the amount of UAH 17 to 25.5 thousand

- Bakumov said.

He added that the fine may be imposed on a person liable for military service who has not registered for military service and has not updated his or her data, including place of residence and means of communication. He also said that a fine may be imposed on a person who does not fulfill mobilization duties.

For example, a citizen receives a summons, but fails to report to the recruitment center or the relevant military unit, if it is a reservist

- He said.

The MP also added that the term for imposing an administrative penalty is proposed to be set at 1 year, not 3 years from the date of the offense, as proposed by the government.

Мобілізація студентів: хто згідно з новим законом має відстрочку та які є нюанси27.04.24, 14:55

Anastasia Ryabokon



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