
The NATO Secretary General sent a message in Kyiv: "More support is on the way"

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Kyiv and met with President Zelenskyy, assuring him that support for Ukraine would grow and reaffirming NATO's commitment to putting Ukraine on an irreversible path to membership.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg sent a message while on a visit to Kyiv, indicating that "more support is on the way," UNN reports.

Important to visit Kyiv again and meet with President Zelenskyy. The situation is difficult, but it is not too late for Ukraine to prevail – and more support is on the way. NATO is also stepping up for the long haul, putting Ukraine on an irreversible path to the Alliance.

- Stoltenberg wrote in X.

Генсек НАТО Столтенберг прибув з неоголошеним візитом до Києва, зустрівся із Зеленським29.04.24, 15:13


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