
The NACP strengthens cooperation with Swiss institutions: asset recovery to support Ukraine

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The NACP has signed an important agreement with the Basel Institute on Governance. This is reported by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of Ukraine, UNN reports.

During the working visit of NACP Deputy Head Artem Sytnyk to Switzerland, the parties agreed to cooperate in the field of tracing and recovering assets that were illegally withdrawn from Ukraine.

It is planned that a memorandum of cooperation will be signed in the near future, which will consolidate the relationship between the NACP and the Basel Institute on Governance.

The main aspects of cooperation will include the use of the latest digital tools and training of NACP employees in the field of investigations and building cases of unjustified asset acquisition. In particular, the Basel Institute's e-courses will be available in Ukrainian to improve the effectiveness of training.

Establishing the facts of illicit enrichment of officials and bringing them to justice is exactly what Ukrainian society expects. We must make every effort to prevent those responsible from keeping their ill-gotten assets, and we need the support of our partners in this endeavor

- Artem Sytnyk said.

Gretta Fenner, Managing Director of the Basel Institute on Governance, expressed her appreciation for Ukraine's progress in fighting corruption, but noted that there is still much work to be done. Partnership with international organizations is considered an important component for further strengthening the fight against corruption in Ukraine.

During his visit to Switzerland, Artem Sytnyk also met with representatives of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and other Swiss institutions. The issue of Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts is key in terms of further support from international partners.

Ambassador of Ukraine to Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein Iryna Venediktova also emphasized the importance of strengthening the institutional capacity of the anti-corruption infrastructure and the Ukrainian authorities in general, focusing on strengthening the judicial system as a priority goal to ensure fair justice in corruption cases.

НАЗК та Женевський центр управління сектором безпеки підписали Меморандум про співпрацю та обмін інформацією01.03.24, 04:26

Julia Kotwicka



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