
The Ministry of Defense plans to launch an e-office for persons liable for military service in the second quarter of 2024

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The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine plans to introduce an electronic office for persons liable for military service in the 2nd quarter of 2024. It will allow conscripts and persons liable for military service to update their service data.

It is planned to launch an electronic office for persons liable for military service in the second quarter of this year. Deputy Defense Minister Kateryna Chornohorenko said this during a telethon, UNN reports.


The Ministry of Defense expects electronic offices of persons liable for military service to start functioning in the beginning of the second quarter of 2024.

As soon as the relevant lawcomes into force, we can start this work. And in the second quarter, we will introduce the first stage of the electronic cabinet. Conscripts and persons liable for military service will have the opportunity to update their data. They will be given a period to update their data and provide the latest reliable information. And then the MCCs will use this data in their daily work

- Kateryna Chornohorenko said.

She noted that the verification of the data in the Oberig registry has already been completed.

We verified the data and transformed paper data into digital. We eliminated duplicate and irrelevant information that was available in the register. And now we are improving the work of the TCC to ensure that there are no additional unnecessary summonses sent or inappropriate notifications to persons liable for military service about the need to come to the TCC, the Deputy Minister said.


When asked whether summonses will be sent through the e-cabinet of a person liable for military service, she replied that the issue of sending summonses to the e-cabinet of persons liable for military service will be considered within the framework of the law on mobilization.


The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has prepared a new law on mobilization to clarify the conditions of service, which is ready for consideration by the government. The law should address issues such as the rotation of soldiers and the duration of service.

"Мобілізація" стала словом 2023 року в Україні06.01.24, 12:27

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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