
Test mode of the carrier's online cabinet: what functions are available

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The Ministry of Recovery calls on international passenger carriers to join the testing of an online cabinet for opening routes abroad, which aims to replace the paper procedure with a digital one and provides various functions such as automatic data exchange, route construction and simplified document submission.

The Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine calls on international passenger carriers to join testing of an online cabinet for opening routes abroad, reports UNN


As part of the reform of international bus transportation, it is planned to replace the paper-based route opening procedure with a digital one. Currently, 7 international carriers are involved in the testing.

Currently, the Ukrtranssafety team is testing the functionality of the online cabinet, which includes:

  • Automatic data exchange with the carrier's license file;
  • Ability to build a route using geotags, independently determine the duration of stops;
  • Automatic calculation of bus travel time;
  • Automatic route construction by selected bus stations and settlements;
  • Simplified procedure for submitting documents.

To gain access to the testing of the online cabinet for the opening of international routes, passenger carriers should send applications to the following email address : contact@dsbt.gov.ua

 The application must include the company name, e-mail and phone number of the contact person.

В Асоціації міжнародних автоперевізників заявляють, що працівники ТЦК зробили все можливе, щоб водії боялись їхати в рейси 17.05.24, 16:36

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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