
TCC employee and police officer detained in Odesa region for selling "white tickets" for military service evasion for $7,000

 • 25950 переглядiв

An employee of a military registration and enlistment office and a law enforcement officer were detained in Odesa region for selling fake medical certificates for $7,000 to evade military service.

An employee of the military registration and enlistment office and a law enforcement officer who sold "white tickets" were detained in Odesa region. This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN reports.

SBI officers exposed an officer of the Rozdilnyanskyi District Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support in Odesa region who promised to help a fugitive for USD 7 thousand

- the statement said.


It is noted that through his law enforcement acquaintance, he suggested that the man, who was liable for military service, organize the issuance of documents on his unfitness for service. He suggested that he could declare himself unfit either for health reasons or to marry a woman with a disability.

On February 5, 2024, an employee of the TCC and his law enforcement intermediary were detained while receiving USD 7 thousand for a "service".

The issue of serving the detainees a notice of suspicion of receiving an unlawful benefit by an official and choosing a measure of restraint is being settled. The sanction of Article 368, Part 3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which will be charged against them, provides for a sentence of imprisonment for up to 10 years.

SBI employees are also establishing the circle of people who could have used the service and the officials involved in the transaction.

Пропонували втекти до ЄС на підставі підроблених документів: заблокувано нові схеми ухилення від мобілізації31.01.24, 17:21


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