
Take care of yourself and your emotional state: cityscope for all signs of the Zodiac from June 10 to 16

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This week promises to be very eventful from an astrological point of view, with a combination of positive and complex aspects that can lead to conflicts, aggression, misunderstandings and potential risks, but also to opportunities for growth, creativity and harmonization of relationships.

The period from June 10 to June 16, according to the astrological forecast, promises to be very eventful. Professional astrologer Ksenia Bazilenko, especially for readers of UNN, told what awaits representatives of all zodiac signs this week.

"This week will be very contrasting in astrological terms.

On the one hand, there is now a growing Moon, which contributes to the successful start of any business. Many planets are in the sign of Gemini, which gives us all great activity, brightness, ease of communication and learning.

But, on the other hand, there are also striking aspects. For example, in the first half of the week Mercury, the planet of communication and learning, will give a quadrature to Saturn. Because of this, we will feel a great limitation in communication and learning, difficulties in understanding each other.

And besides, Mars, a militant planet, will give a quadrature to Pluto, which will trigger a great general aggression, conflict, people may lose control, major conflicts and protests are possible. This may lead to an increase in the military situation in the world. Also, this is an indicator of a fairly high accident rate.

On June 12th to 14th, the Moon, being in the sign of Virgo, will give several quadratures to some planets and opposition to Saturn, as well as the Sun will be in exact conjunction with Mercury, which will burn its qualities. There are too many aggressive emotions, it will not be easy," the astrologer said.

But, according to Bazilenko, this period can bring awareness of important problems and experiences.

In the second half of the week, the conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in the quadrature to Neptune can bring an outbreak of infectious diseases.

"From June 15, all the complex threatening aspects will slowly disappear and this period will be milder. We will be able to make amends for all the difficulties of the past week and have a great weekend, where we will find a state of inspiration, a great desire and the opportunity to communicate with our loved ones and relatives with love," the astrologer believes.

The main thing to remember this week is to take yourself seriously and carefully, to your inner state, thoughts and find the right approach to your environment.


This week, on the one hand, you will have a good opportunity to promote new plans and ideas. But, at the same time, you will feel a very strong internal tension, misunderstanding, in your opinion, on the part of others. Therefore, if a conflict state is brewing inside you, it is better to postpone this topic for later. Try to harmonize your relationships with yourself and others as much as possible. Now is a great time for your training.

You should have a good rest and be alone on the weekend.

Be careful and attentive on the roads.


This week, on the one hand, inspiration and interesting ideas will come to you that you can bring to life, while receiving support from your like-minded people. On the other hand, this week will bring you very strong irritation and aggression. You will react especially sharply to comments in your direction, which can lead to big conflicts and mistakes.

In financial matters, you may have good offers, but at the same time delays in making a profit. Now is not the time for large investments. By the end of the week, you may become victims of adventurers, so you should approach finances especially wisely.


You will have a lot of different events going on this week, but you will be hampered by inner self-doubt. Many processes will slow down and this will annoy you. It is not necessary to engage in self-examination and try to figure something out now. More confidence, spend as much time as possible on yourself, your appearance and personal interests.


This week, you may be worried about inner feelings, self-doubt, irritability. Therefore, it is important not to make mistakes on such emotions. The best thing would be to tune in to a positive attitude, take time to achieve harmony with yourself, and be alone. A good time to relax, stay in nature. A lot of secret information will be revealed to you this week. You will be able to find those you have been looking for for a long time.


This week you will be completely absorbed in your projects, and new interesting offers may also be showered on you. To make the right decisions, you will be hampered by your own emotions and aggression. There may be disagreements with your colleagues and like-minded people. There may also be acute situations with the leadership - especially on June 11 and 12. The main thing this week is not to take risks and not to go to extremes. Spend more time with friends, and when implementing your projects, act more logically and calmly.


This week will be very full of various events for you. At work, you may have inspections and major changes in management. In the middle of the week, you can make mistakes if you go along with your emotions, because it will be very difficult for you to control yourself. Now you should guard yourself from making too important decisions. Keep calm and treat everything with sound criticism and logic.


This week, you may have a lot of travel, flights abroad and communication with foreigners. But, if possible, it is better to give up all this or do everything calmly and judiciously enough to avoid conflicts and problems on the road. Also, avoid risks. You will have a lot of difficulties with your studies, so students need to prepare carefully. On the weekend, you will be able to resolve all the accumulated issues. This is a great time for a good rest and pleasant meetings.


This week will be too eventful and eventful for you. In the middle of the week, you may get annoyed, so refrain from making important decisions and completing difficult tasks. You should not take financial risks now and conflict with your partners. Stay calm and rely on your powerful intuition.


This week you will get the feeling that everyone is provoking you and wants something from you. There will be a strong desire to conflict with everyone, especially with your partners and family. Therefore, try to keep your emotions in hand as much as possible. With the right approach to the situation, you will be able to resolve many problems and issues for yourself, especially of a legal nature. But it is necessary to include logic and approach everything very responsibly. Be attentive to your health.


This week will bring a lot of fuss in your work and illogical situations related to both your management and the team. But with the right approach to current situations, applying logic and calmness, you will be able to achieve incredible results, come up with new solutions to your questions. In personal relationships, be very careful, you should give up new acquaintances.


This week you will have a creative search for yourself and you will have a desire to find activities to your liking. You will have meetings and meet interesting people. You should try something new in your activity. Be creative - you will succeed.

In love, this is a very hot period when it will be difficult for you to make your choice, and in the current relationship, you can have the most real passions. Those who have children may have great difficulties in dealing with them. Give your children more time, be patient and show your parental love.


This week you will have a lot of confusing tasks and unusual situations, especially in relations with your relatives. You may find yourself in a conflict situation between your parents and your significant other, and it is better to remain neutral here. Avoid conflict situations. A lot of secrets will be revealed to you in family relationships now.

In the middle of the week, your emotional stress will peak. In relationships with your loved ones, you need to calm down and gradually, step by step, do all your important things.

Lilia Podolyak



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