
Stoltenberg: Russia's war against Ukraine has become a battle for ammunition, NATO to discuss production increase

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NATO to discuss increasing industrial production to boost ammunition supplies in the face of Russia's war against Ukraine

Russia's war against Ukraine has turned into a battle for ammunition, and it is important for NATO allies to replenish their stockpiles, while supporting Ukraine. And today the Alliance will discuss increasing industrial production for this purpose. This was announced at a press conference on Tuesday by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, UNN reports.

Russia's war in Ukraine has become a battle for ammunition, so it's important that Allies replenish their own stockpiles as we continue to support Ukraine. (...) Today I will chair a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on how we can further increase our industrial production. And NATO defense ministers will revisit this issue when they meet next month

- Stoltenberg said.

The Secretary General noted that the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) allows Allies to pool their resources. "To give them the weapons and ammunition we need to keep our countries safe," he said.

He said that since the NATO Defense Production Action Plan was agreed last July, the NSPA has agreed on contracts worth about $10 billion.

"This includes about $4 billion for howitzer shells, tank ammunition, anti-tank guided missiles and 155mm ammunition, as well as $5.5 billion for Patriot interceptor missiles," said the NATO Secretary General.

He called it a "significant boost" for the transatlantic defense industry, which "helps meet our own security needs while continuing to provide vital support to Ukraine.

НАТО закупить 155-мм снаряди на 1,1 млрд євро, частина боєприпасів піде в Україну23.01.24, 11:31

Julia Shramko



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