
Sowing campaign completed in Ukraine: almost 13 million hectares of spring crops were sown

 • 68545 переглядiв

According to the results of the spring sowing campaign, 7.2 million hectares of oilseeds and almost 5.6 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops were sown in the territory controlled by Ukraine.

According to the results of the spring sowing campaign, 7.2 million hectares of oilseeds and almost 5.6 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops were sown in the territory controlled by Ukraine, reports UNN with reference to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.


In particular, farmers sowed more than 99% of the projected areas of spring cereals and legumes:

corn-3,928 thousand hectares (100.4% of the projected area);

barley-783 thousand hectares (95.7%);

wheat – 252.7 thousand hectares (102.6%);

oats – 163.7 thousand hectares (100.7%);

peas – 162.5 thousand hectares (101.6%);

buckwheat-100.8 thousand hectares (80.7%);

millet – 69.7 thousand hectares (81.8%).

Among oilseeds sown: sunflower-5,189. 8 thousand hectares (98%), soybeans-2,032. 3 thousand hectares (102%).

Sugar beet was sown on an area of 250.1 thousand hectares (97%).

Мінагро розпитало аграріїв про плани на посівну 2024: Що та у якій кількості сіятимуть українські фермери13.02.24, 18:16

Antonina Tumanova



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