
Snowfall continues in the Carpathians: rescuers warn of possible avalanches

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A significant level 3 avalanche hazard is expected in the highlands of Ivano-Frankivsk and the eastern part of Zakarpattia regions.

Heavy snowfall is expected in the Carpathians of Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia regions on January 14 and 15. This is stated in the warning of the State Emergency Service, UNN reports.


Due to snowfalls and blizzards, a significant avalanche hazard of level 3 is expected in the highlands of Ivano-Frankivsk and the eastern part of Zakarpattia regions.

This means that avalanches can occur on many slopes, even with little pressure on the snow. Medium or even large spontaneous avalanches can occur on some slopes.


At the same time, a moderate avalanche hazard (level 2) is expected in the highlands of the western and central parts of the Zakarpattia region on January 14-15. Avalanches can occur in case of strong impact on snow masses, especially on steep slopes.

For reference

When you hear the noise of an avalanche, rescuers recommend hiding behind a rock or tree, lying down on the ground, protecting your head with your hands and pressing your knees to your stomach and breathing through your clothes. You need to follow the movement of the avalanche.

If an avalanche is caught and begins to sweep away, you need to perform swimming movements and, if possible, stay at the edge of the avalanche, where the speed of movement is lower.

If you find yourself inside an avalanche, there is no need to shout, as the snow completely absorbs sounds. Such actions will only deprive you of strength. Rescuers emphasize that  the main thing is not to let yourself fall asleep.


Frost is expected to ease on Monday . On January 15, Ukraine will have no significant precipitation, with snow only in the eastern and northeastern regions and in the Carpathians. Temperatures are expected to rise to 1-6° Celsius at night and 3° Celsius to 4° Celsius during the day.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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