
The State Production and Consumer Service clarified in which public places smoking is prohibited

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The state food and Consumer Service reminded about places where smoking is prohibited in Ukraine, including public transport, health and education institutions, restaurants, hotels, playgrounds and common areas of residential buildings, for violation of which fines are imposed.

The State Food and Consumer Service reminded that everyone has the right to a safe, smokeless environment. And explained in which public places smoking is prohibited, writes UNN.

Derzhprodspozhivsluzhba recalls that Article 13 of the law of Ukraine "on measures to prevent and reduce the use of tobacco products and their harmful effects on public health" in Ukraine prohibits smoking, the use and use of tobacco products, items related to their use, herbal products for smoking, electronic cigarettes, devices for the consumption of tobacco products without their combustion, hookahs in public places, namely:

  • in elevators and payphones;
  • in the premises and on the territory of healthcare institutions;
  • in the premises and on the territory of educational institutions;
  • in the premises and on the territory of sports and Physical Culture and recreation facilities and institutions of Physical Culture and sports;
  • in the premises of restaurant establishments;
  • in the premises of cultural objects;
  • in the premises of state authorities, other state institutions, and local self-government bodies;
  • in the premises of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership;
  • in the premises of hotels and similar accommodation facilities for citizens;
  • in the premises of dormitories;
  • on playgrounds;
  • in common areas of residential buildings;
  • in underground passages;
  • in public transport used for passenger transportation, including taxis;
  • at train stations and stations;
  • at public transport stops.

The State Food Service noted that local councils within their borders can additionally determine places where smoking is prohibited for any period of time.


Smoking of tobacco products by individuals in places where it is prohibited by law, as well as in other places determined by the decision of the relevant village, settlement, city council, entails a warning or the imposition of a fine of 51-170 UAH. in case of repeated violation during the year, the fine is 170-340 UAH. (article 175-1 of the Administrative Code).

Lilia Podolyak



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