
Situation on the northern border is stable, no accumulation of enemy forces is noticed - Nayev

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The situation on Ukraine's northern border is currently stable, with no Russian troop build-ups observed

The situation on Ukraine's northern border is currently stable. There is no accumulation of forces of the Russian occupiers. The training of Ukrainian anti-sabotage and anti-airborne reserves continues in the Northern Operational Zone. This was reported by the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the commander of the "North" Joint Forces Operation, Lieutenant General Serhiy Nayev on Thursday, UNN reports.

As of today, the situation on the northern border is stable. No accumulation of enemy forces has been noticed. The military command and servicemen are working around the clock to improve their skills to stop the enemy's intentions. In particular, the training of anti-sabotage and anti-airborne reserves continues in the Northern Operational Zone

- Nayev posted on social media.

According to him, the servicemen are learning to counteract a conventional enemy using unmanned aerial vehicles, set up explosive engineering barriers, set up observation posts and deploy an anti-sabotage reserve.

"All of this is necessary to maintain the combat readiness and training of the personnel," Nayev added.


Earlier, Nayev urged Ukrainians to heed the advice of military administrations to evacuate the border areas, as these territories are subjected to enemy shelling on a daily basis, posing a danger to both civilians and military personnel.

Anna Murashko



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