
Since the beginning of the year, Russia has launched a thousand missiles and almost 2,800 shaheds at Ukraine - Kislytsya

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Since the beginning of this year, Russia has launched nearly 1,000 missiles, about 2,800 drones and about 7,000 guided bombs into Ukraine, targeting civilian infrastructure and causing significant damage to energy facilities.

Since the beginning of this year, the Russian army has fired nearly 1,000 missiles, about 2,800 "shaheds" and almost 7,000 guided aerial bombs at Ukraine. After the March enemy attacks, 80% of thermal generation was destroyed. This was stated by Ukraine's permanent representative to the UN, Sergiy Kyslytsya, at a meeting of the UN Security Council on April 11, UNN reports. 

Implementing its strategy of destruction, Russia has fired nearly 1,000 missiles, about 2,800 Shahed drones and nearly 7,000 guided aerial bombs at Ukrainian cities and villages since the beginning of the year. The total capacity of air strikes on Ukraine during this period exceeded 9 kilotons

- said Serhiy Kyslytsya.

According to him, only 3% of Russian missiles, drones and guided bombs hit military targets, while 97% hit civilian infrastructure.

Kyslytsya also emphasized that Russia has been targeting critical energy infrastructure, including electricity generation. After the March attacks, 80% of thermal generation was destroyed.

Hydroelectric power plants were also heavily damaged. In particular, on March 29, Russia struck the Dniester and Kaniv hydroelectric power plants, indicating its intention to repeat the disaster they caused in Kakhovka last June.  Also, the day before , the Trypillia thermal power plant was attacked. 

Ескалація війни є екзистенційною загрозою для народу України - ООН12.04.24, 09:27

In order to increase the number of casualties, the Russian army resorts to the terrorist practice of double strikes, attacking the site of the first attack with a new wave of missiles or drones when the rescue operation is already in full swing.

The most recent example is the Russian attack on Kharkiv on April 4. The first wave of drones hit multi-story residential buildings. As soon as rescuers arrived, Russia struck again. Four people were killed in this attack, including three firefighters who were rescuing people from a destroyed building.

 Such a terrorist practice of deliberate heavy attacks on a city of more than a million people can lead to the deaths of thousands of civilians, Kyslytsya said. 

В Україні у березні від обстрілів рф загинули або були поранені щонайменше 604 цивільних - ООН10.04.24, 17:04


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