
Shmyhal on meeting with French Foreign Minister: emphasized the provision of air defense systems

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Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Shmyhal emphasized the need to strengthen air defense and increase the number of missiles during talks with French Foreign Minister Sejourne.

During a meeting  with French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal emphasized Ukraine's priorities for cooperation: providing air defense systems and increasing missile supplies, UNN reports .

I welcome in Kyiv the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, Stephane Sejourne. His first visit to Ukraine in his new position demonstrates the extraordinary level of attention France pays to our country. I thanked for the comprehensive support, especially military support. France is among the countries that are most actively helping in this area. He emphasized our priorities for cooperation: the provision of air defense systems and increased supplies of missiles,

- Shmyhal wrote.


Another key area Shmyhal named is financial.

We count on France's continued support for financial initiatives at the EU level, which are vital for us. We actively cooperate with French businesses in reconstruction projects. I have invited French companies to be more actively involved in this important process. We continue to work together to implement President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula. France is one of the undisputed leaders here

- Shmyhal said.

According to him, Séjourne once again assured that France will support Ukraine on its way to the EU and NATO and will remain side by side in our fight against the Russian aggressor.

Addendum Addendum

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourne says that France will bring all its diplomatic and political weight to the European Council summit to ensure that Ukraine receives €50 billion in aid.

Anna Murashko



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