
Scheme of forgery of certificates of unfitness for military service exposed in Donetsk region

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Two residents of Donetsk region are suspected of making false documents about their unfitness for military service. In exchange for $7,000, they provided a package of documents that allowed them to avoid mobilization and travel abroad.

Law enforcement officers served suspicion notices to two residents of Donetsk region who earned money by issuing documents to men about their unfitness for military service with the right to travel abroad. This was reported by the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation, according to UNN.


It is noted that during 2023-2024, the man and his accomplice prepared documents for those wishing to avoid mobilization and go abroad.

According to the available information, about 15 people used such services, and more than 20 more were waiting for them.

The package cost USD 7 thousand. It included a certificate from the military medical commission and a temporary certificate of a person liable for military service with notes on his ineligibility for military service and exclusion from military registration, which allowed him to travel outside Ukraine,

- the statement said.

They took a full advance payment and then sent the documents by mail. They also clearly instructed their "clients" on the rules for crossing the state border and how to show documents for departure.

The certificates contained the details of one of the TCCs in Donetsk region. It is currently being established who prepared these documents.

During the searches, law enforcement officers seized cash worth more than one million hryvnias in various currencies, mobile phones and a car.

A man and a woman were served a notice of suspicion of organizing the illegal transfer of persons across the state border by prior conspiracy (Part 2 Article 27, Part 3 Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Suspicion was reported to a man who falsified certificates about the presence of cars on the military register6/6/24, 1:02 PM


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