
Schedules don't work: emergency power outages introduced in several regions amid shortages and heat wave

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Emergency power outages were introduced in several regions, including Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipro, Donetsk and Poltava, due to growing power shortages and abnormal heat, on the orders of the national energy company Ukrenergo.

Emergency power outages were introduced this morning in a number of regions, regional power companies reported, UNN writes.

Kharkiv region

"Due to the abnormal heat in the Kharkiv region, in addition to hourly blackouts, emergency shutdown schedules are also applied. Additional electricity restrictions apply to all districts of the Kharkiv region," Kharkivoblenergo reported on its Telegram channel.

Sumy region

"Attention! On the instructions of NPC Ukrenergo, the emergency shutdown schedules (ESUs - ed.) in Sumy region have been introduced for all 10 lines. Power engineers are working to stabilize the situation!" Sumyoblenergo wrote on Telegram.

Dnipropetrovska oblast

"Due to an increase in the electricity deficit, emergency power outages have been introduced in Dnipropetrovska oblast. This order was given by NPC Ukrenergo. Please note that during emergency outages, schedules that can be predicted in advance do not apply," DTEK Dnipro Power Grids said on its Telegram channel.

Donetsk region 

"Due to an increase in the electricity deficit, emergency power outages have been introduced in Donetsk region. This order was given by NPC Ukrenergo. Please note that during emergency outages, schedules that can be predicted in advance are not valid," DTEK Donetsk Power Grids said on Facebook.

Poltava region

"Emergency shutdown schedules have been applied in the region! Dear consumers! By order of NPC Ukrenergo, on July 16, from 10:14 a.m., a schedule of emergency outages of 10 stages was applied in the region," Poltavaoblenergo said in its Telegram channel .


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