
SBU uncovered 47 agent networks last year and 11 more since the beginning of this year

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In 2023, the Security Service of Ukraine uncovered 47 agent networks, and since the beginning of 2024 - 11 more.

Last year, the Security Service of Ukraine exposed 47 agent networks, and since the beginning of 2024 - 11. According to the SBU, the head of the special service Vasyl Malyuk informed about this during a speech at the Congress of Local and Regional Councils, UNN reports.

Today, the SSU manages to work proactively. First of all, it is due to systematic and new counterintelligence approaches. Because we do not detain a single traitor, but, as a rule, we unwind the entire chain. In total, in 2023, the SBU exposed 47 agent networks, all the villains were detained, and since the beginning of this year, 11 more have been exposed

- Vasyl Malyuk said.

Thus, special services are actively countering enemy attempts to penetrate critical infrastructure, including cyberspace, and blocking efforts to study the routes of transportation of international aid and the location of defense industry facilities.

Not long ago, for example, the Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB agent in Dnipro who was recording photos and videos of a local thermal power plant to prepare missile strikes, as well as a former police officer in Zaporizhzhia who was monitoring military-industrial facilities. In addition, several employees of Ukrzaliznytsia were detained for passing on information to the enemy about the logistics of weapons and ammunition transportation.

"We have a clear task from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: to prevent any challenges. And we are fulfilling it to protect the lives of citizens and state security," he added.


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