
SBU searches UOC-MP Metropolitan Luke's house - sources

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The UNN source confirmed that the SBU is conducting searches at Metropolitan Luke's place in Zaporizhzhia.

The Security Service of Ukraine is conducting searches at the home of Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol. This was reported to UNN by sources in law enforcement agencies.

The source of UNN confirmed that the SBU is conducting searches at Metropolitan Luke's place in Zaporizhzhia.


"CHESNO reported earlier that Metropolitan Andriy Kovalenko (Luka) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol of the UOC (MP) spread pro-Russian propaganda and justified Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine.

Also in 2022, he said that Ukrainians deserved Russian bombing because they tolerate gay pride parades in Kyiv and therefore Ukrainians are against God and deserve the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Суд зняв електронний браслет з митрополита УПЦ МП Павла30.04.24, 14:29


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