
russians spread fake news that Oschadbank blocks cards for failure to appear at the TCC - Center for Countering Disinformation

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russian propagandists are actively spreading fake reports that Oschadbank is blocking cards for failure to appear under summons, but the bank denies this.

russians are spreading fake news that Oschadbank allegedly blocks cards due to failure to appear under subpoena. The Center for Countering Disinformation warns about this, UNN reports.


The Center reports that russian TG channels are spreading information that Oschadbank has allegedly started blocking clients' cards for failing to appear at the TCC and JV. According to the report, the bank allegedly offers to find out more information at the territorial recruitment center where the person is registered. As evidence, a screenshot similar to a message from a financial institution is also being circulated.

However, having verified the information with Oschadbank, the Center reports that it is fake.

It specifies that failure to appear at the TP and JV is considered an administrative offense, and courts issue a ruling on bringing to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine. Such a resolution is sent to the executive service, which opens proceedings and blocks accounts. Accordingly, bank accounts may be blocked automatically due to non-payment of the fine, and not on the basis of requests from the TP and JV.

By spreading such lies, russian propagandists are trying to sow panic among the population

- noted the Center for Countering Disinformation.

Посол України спростував фейк про збір та передачу в ТЦК інформації щодо учасників мітингів у Німеччині02.02.24, 16:13

Anastasia Ryabokon



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