
Russians continue to prepare fake elections in the TOT with the help of pressure

 • 23917 переглядiв

Russian troops are reportedly conducting a campaign of telephone terror in the occupied territories, pressuring residents to vote in the illegal elections. This move is aimed at artificially increasing participation in the elections to create an impression of legitimacy.

In the temporarily occupied territories, Russians continue their campaigning ahead of the illegal elections. Residents are already becoming victims of telephone terror, receiving calls with "polls" on voting.

This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military District Administration Ivan Fedorov, UNN reports.


The occupation authorities in the TOT do not leave a single resident without campaigning before the fake elections. The goal of such a campaign is to ensure an artificially high level of participation and create the impression of legitimacy.

Local residents are receiving terrorist phone calls with "polls" about voting. In February, the Russians plan to go door-to-door in an attempt to force people to actively participate in this "electoral process.

The occupiers also simplified the legislation, allowing people to participate in the "elections" with any document.

Ivan Fedorov, the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, criticized such "elections," emphasizing the illegality of the process and the criminal liability for participation in organizing such events.

Any election in the TOT is illegal, and participation in the organization of such an event is a criminal offense

 ," emphasized Ivan Fedorov, head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration.


These fake "elections" will last for several days to ensure that the Russians secure the necessary number of votes.

Уряд погодив призначення мера Мелітополя Федорова на посаду голови Запорізької ОВА23.01.24, 15:40

Julia Kotvitskaya



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